The Jean E. Thomson Non-Profit Foundation
1740 Karl Johan Avenue South
Tacoma, Washington 98465-1224



President:                    Vice-President:
Kenneth J. Zajac         Debbie L. Zajac

E-Mail: The Jean E. Thomson Foundation

A Brief History:
The Jean E. Thomson Foundation is a 501(c)3 Organization that is named in memory of the Founder & primary contributor; Jean Eleanor Thomson of Tacoma, Washington, and makes donations in memory of her and Carol D. Zajac, a dear friend of Jean's. The Foundation was organized in 1999 under the name Thomson-Zajac Foundation in memory of Carol D. Zajac, who passed in 1998. The Foundation name was later changed to the Jean E. Thomson Foundation, which continues to donate in memory of both Jean and Carol.

Mission Statement:
The JET Foundation operates as an Endowment-funded Non-Profit that supports the following categories of 501(c)3 Organizations:
Religious, Charitable, Scientific, Literary, and Education.
The Foundation's guidelines are for these Organizations to be located in Tacoma/Seattle, as well as considerations to Minneapolis, Minnesota, as Jean was born and raised there, and that the contributions are made to be a positive influence in the local community's health, well-being, and advancement of humanity. Consideration is also given to programs and research that benefits advancements in human diseases treatments and cures.

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